Electric Vehicles are gaining momentum across the world, but will they be viable in a rural setting? The answer is ‘yes, someday’. We will likely see that ‘someday’ in this century, or more likely in this decade. According to a report from the Boston Consulting Group, electric vehicle sales will increase to 20% of all vehicle sales by 2030.
There are many benefits to EVs, namely the cheaper cost-per-mile operation and the lower maintenance costs overall. The challenge comes in having the infrastructure to drive longer distances. This is where electric cooperatives are in a unique position to provide the power to fuel these vehicles. It brings opportunities, but also challenges.
EVs aren’t just relegated to street vehicles, either. Everything from pickup trucks to motorcycles to ATVs to lawn mowers and even all-electric tractors are being developed right now. EVs will be the future in transportation for upcoming generations.
Meeker Cooperative knows of only a few electric vehicles in our service territory, but it is exciting to be part of what is coming.