load control screen
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Electric Vehicle (EV) Chargingunlikely
Peak Shave Water Heatingunlikely
Cycled Coolingunlikely
Generators unlikely
Last Updated: September 11, 2024 7:00 AM
Control times are subject to change as weather conditions and other variables affecting the system load change.
All times are approximate.

What is "load control" or "energy management"?

Load control or energy management refers to a program(s) that allows Meeker Cooperative to shut down certain electric loads to better control energy use during times of heavy or "peak" energy use. Those members who are enrolled on Meeker's load control or "energy management" programs allow the Co-op to interrupt electric loads such as electric space heating, water heating, air-conditioning, crop irrigation and entire businesses with a stand-by generator during times of heavy electric usage and demand. For example, during the winter months a dual fuel heating system which is an electric heating system with propane or natural gas furnace as the back-up heating automatically takes over to heat the house when the electric heat is interrupted during the load control period. During the summer months, the air-conditioning system is cycled approximately 15-minutes on and 15-minutes off during the load control period. In exchange the Co-op offers lower electric rates for allowing the Co-op to interrupt the qualified electric loads. All energy management programs are voluntary. Contact a representative from our Energy Services Department for more information.

How is a load control period determined?

Meeker Cooperative determines when load control will be initiated based on the demand for energy. Most often the high demand for power may coincide with seasonal temperatures, but not always. Load control may also be initiated due to high wholesale energy costs. These costs fluctuate due to supply and demand, weather, unforeseen power plant outages, and other factors. Power purchase decisions are based on history, weather forecasts and other factors affecting the generation and delivery (transmission) of electric power throughout the grid. Should energy required by our members exceed our billing peak, for whatever reason, the decision to control loads is made. Should our power needs exceed the planned peak, our power supplier may be forced to purchase more energy on the open market, thereby substantially increasing the cost of that power. Load control reduces the need for these types of power purchases and helps keep energy costs low for everyone.

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