
Frequently Asked Questions

What is Operation Round-Up?

Operation Round-Up is a program that allows members the option to “round up” their electric bill to the nearest dollar and have those extra cents deposited into a special account. The funds are distributed to worthwhile organizations and causes throughout our service territory that has applied for those funds. An independent volunteer Meeker Cooperative Light and Power Assn. Trust Board dispenses the funds to organizations that the trustees feel would most benefit the communities in which they operate. Employees of Meeker Cooperative Light and Power Assn. also participate, “rounding down” their paychecks to the nearest dollar. Although the average annual contribution per member or employee is less than $6, the participation is such that the Board of Trustees is able to distribute an average of $30,000 per year to area organizations. To participate, please contact us for more information or go to download forms to download guidelines and application forms.

What is a Power Cost Adjustment?

Every year we do our best to determine at what point to set our rates to meet our estimated costs for electricity. However, changes in member usage or costs of wholesale power from our supplier might result in higher or lower costs to Meeker Cooperative Light and Power Association. A Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) is an adjustment in our retail rate schedules that allows the kilowatt-hour cost to be raised or lowered slightly without having to request a completely new rate schedule. The PCA rate will fluctuate on your bill each month based on the current cost of wholesale power as well as your varying

What is a Fixed Charge?

Every member of Meeker Cooperative Light and Power Assn. receives a bill that includes a “Fixed Charge.” A Fixed Charge is a flat fee applied by electric cooperatives to help cover the cost of installation, maintenance, and improvements to the meter(s), electric lines, and other equipment that brings electricity to your home and/or business. This Fixed Charge is billed as long as you have service, whether or not you currently use electricity at that site (if you travel south for the winter, for example, or are building a home but not living there yet).

Do I still need to report an outage?

Yes, however, if you have signed up for our outage text alerts, you do not have to report an outage. If you aren't on our outage text alert system, it is best to alert us of an outage. Although we have state-of-the-art computer software and systems to tell us where the problem is, it doesn’t always alert us to the fact that there is an outage. Call 320-693-3231 day or night.

Go to our Outage Central page to learn more.

What if I find my Location Number in an article?

Hidden location numbers have been a tradition in electric cooperative newsletters for decades. Meeker Cooperative Pioneer includes 4 hidden location numbers in each issue. We also include up to 4 hidden location numbers in various articles on our website.

If you find your number in the printed Pioneer and claim it by calling Meeker Cooperative before the printed deadline, or you find your location number in one of our articles online and call to claim it before 30-days after the published date of the article, you will receive a $10 credit to your account. When you call and verify your information is correct in our system, you will also receive an additional credit equal to one month's output from a Member Solar Panel.

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