

Meeker Cooperative is committed to the safety of its members and employees. As a result, we are closely following the guidelines of the Governor and CDC during this pandemic. As an essential service provider, Meeker Cooperative will continue overall business operations while practicing preventative pandemic measures. Keeping the lights on and internet-connected is vital to our member-owners.

Following are some of the measures we have enacted to ensure the health of the Co-op’s employees and our members while continuing business operations. Additional actions to help members through this pandemic are listed as well.

• While many employees are working from home your phone calls will continue to be answered as best and quickly as possible during our normal office hours of 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. The Co-op’s office number is 320-693-3231.
• Additional ways to contact us are by filling out the Contact Us information on the Coop’s website www.meeker.coop or by email to customerservice@Meeker.coop.
• We have taken actions to ensure the safety and health of our field personnel while we continue to provide reliable service and restore any outages as quickly and efficiently as possible.

We encourage members to make bill payments through:
• SmartHub – SmartHub allows you to manage automatic credit card drafts and make one-time payments via checking/savings or credit card. Online payments will post to your account once you receive a confirmation email. You can sign up for SmartHub at www.meeker.coop.
• Phone – Call 844-834-4462 to make payments by Credit or debit card or bank account. Payments will post to your account once you receive a confirmation number.
• Automatic Bank Draft – Your payment is drafted from your checking or savings account on the due date. Call our office at 320-693-3231 to set up this service.
• Communication is key. As we face these unique and unprecedented times together, please help us communicate in a timely, and cost-effective manner by providing us with your current email address. I simply ask you to go to our website Meeker.coop and click on the link to provide your email address. Please be assured we do not sell any member information nor allow others to use it in any way. Thank you.

The Board of Directors and employees understand this is a difficult time and we remain confident that with a focus on safety and health we will get through this successfully. Please be assured that your team at Meeker Cooperative Light and Power Association continues to work hard to keep your lights on and VIBRANT internet streaming.

We thank you for your patience and understanding. Stay healthy and safe.

Kevin Issendorf, Board President
Tim Mergen, CEO/GM

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