Severe weather can cause damage to power lines and utility poles. You should take caution if you come across any downed power lines. 

“If you see a downed power line, call 911 to report it immediately and stay away. There is no way to tell if a line is energized by looking at it. Always assume it can carry currents strong enough to kill,” said Kirk Wulf, Great River Energy safety administrator.

 If you see a downed power line:

  • Stay away from it. Call 911 to report it immediately.
  • Never drive over a downed power line if it is blocking your driveway or road. Call 911 to report it and find another route.
  • If a power line falls on your car or otherwise contacts your vehicle, stay in your vehicle. Use your cell phone to call 911 and wait for help to arrive.
  • If you must exit your vehicle, jump with both feet out of the car and shuffle a safe distance.

When severe weather causes widespread damage, sometimes outages can be extended. Great River Energy and Meeker Cooperative work hard to restore power quickly and safely, first removing any threats to public safety, then following established priorities for making repairs that will restore the most cooperative members first.

Be cautious when traveling after a severe weather storm and give our crews time to safely restore your power.

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